Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lookout Mountain

How many times have your driven by an attraction, buy have not taken the time to stop? We have been driving through Chattanooga for about 20 years and said we wished we had time to stop at Lookout Mt. Well, today was the day. We stopped and explored the mountain and Ruby Falls. We did not know that "Uncle" Leo Lambert discovered the falls in the late 30's and named it after his wife, Ruby.
During an excavation of a 420 ft. deep elevator shaft to the original cave at the mountain, a small opening was found at the 260 foot level. Leo and a group of his co-workers entered the opening and spend most of the next 17 hours crawling until they found the waterfall. The waterfall is 1120 feet underground and well worth the walk through the cave to see it. Once there, music is played and colored lights are put on the falls.......so not to disappoint the tourist. Oh well, it's truly beautiful colored light or not.

We drove to Rock City from the falls and were amazed at the homes that are on the mountain. There's a community up there with stores, fire station, I assume school and beautiful homes.

Tomorrow we head out to Bardstown, KY to visit Lincoln's birthplace and Whiskey country. MMMMMMMM As you can tell we're taking our time getting home. We want to go through Chicago Sat. to miss the weekday traffic.

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