Saturday, March 6, 2010

Edison Home and Lab

Friday we spent a very windy, cool day at the Edison Home. It is a beautiful spot on the Calooshatchie River. Edison had his winter home here as well as his Botanical Lab where he was looking for a replacement for natural rubber. He developed an oversized (6') goldenrod plant for this purpose. Eventually the need disapeared for the alternative for natural rubber and he closed down this operation.
The grounds are lovely. He and Henry Ford became extremely good friends. Ford bought a house immediately next door to Edison where he and his family would spend 2 weeks every year. Ford thought of Edison as his mentor.
There is a huge banyan tree on the property that takes center stage. These trees are amazing because roots extend from each of the limbs toward the earth and bury themselves making a single tree seem like a jungle. You can see just a portion of the tree in this picture.

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