Monday, March 15, 2010

Wekiva Spring State Park

What a beautiful place this is! It's located in Apopka, FL just NW of Orland. Our first full day (Wed) was perfect weather. We took a bike ride to the spring and river which was just down the road from our campsite. Barb and Jim went out in their kayaks for a couple of hours and then Barb and I went out. The river was like paddling in the jungle. Lots and lots of vegetation, clear water so you could see right to the bottom and very peaceful.
But, before my kayak ride, I met a young couple with the cutest little cockapoo puppy who were trying to rent a canoe. The problem being the park didn't allowed animals in the boat, so they were discussing what to do with "Ella" while they were on the river. First, the guy said they could tie her to a tree.....the girl was horrified (so was I). Then they discussed leaving her in the car for two hours......I was horrified, they were not. I offered to "dogsit" Ella until they got back.
So Ella and I walk up the hill to find Paul and Judy (my sister was visiting for the week) to show off little Ella. They fell in love with her, which was good because then Barb and I took off in the kayaks. When we got back, all was well and they had met lots of people who just had to come over and pet Ella. Aren't aniamals amazing how they bring people together?
Thurs. was a torrential downpour all day. We were to go to Disney World, but cancelled out until Sat. Went to the movies instead to see Matt Damons' new movie, Green Zone.....not a particularly good movie. Friday was also a rainy day, so we hung around the campground.
Sat. was perfect for Epot and we had a wonderful time. Stay until the end of the fireworks; came home tired. Sunday we met up with a sorority sister of mine from FSU for dinner. Paul, of course, knows her well also since he was one of the "houseboys" at Alpha Chi Omega. We had a great time catching up with each other and with mutual friends.
Today we are in Mims just north of Titusville. The campground is very, very nice and we're looking forward to seeing Cape Kennedy, Merritt Island and all the other sites. This is the last week we'll be with Jim and Barb, so we need to finish our Dominos tournament and award the trophy.
They internet site I'm on will not allow me to post pictures. So I'll post them at a later date.

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